Tuesday, February 24, 2009

No Place Like Home

I'm Going Home This Weekend!!!

After all the craziness and emotionalness of the past few weeks, I have been left with a strong desire to see my family. Of course, I almost always want to see my family (and I've been hoping to take a weekend and visit them for awhile), but the last few weeks just gave me a little nudge so that I'm actually going! I'm so excited. My mom and I are planning to go shopping for a pilate DVD because the doctor told me I should try pilates (my spell check is saying that's wrong. huh. can you not pluralize "pilate"?), and I think we're going to invite my cousin Joy and my aunt over. I'm very excited!

Also, I just discovered that DA Carson is preaching on Sunday. I really like DA Carson's stuff (the little I've read and the lots I've been told about), and it will be so neat to hear him preach. Also, I'm hoping to see Ian and Lydia at church and catch up with them.

I love the Twin Cities so much. When I have kids, if I'm not raising them overseas doing missions, I would love to raise them in the Twin Cities. Sure, the cold isn't so great, but there is so much culture and art, and I'd love to raise them in Bethlehem. Though, I've slowly developed a preference for smaller churches over the years. And my family is in Minnesota, and it would be nice for my kids to grow up near my parents. Haha-I'm talking like I'm actually going to have kids anytime soon. And like I can actually predict what my future will look like.

I have started to really want to have kids, though. I'm at a point where I'm happy to be single, but I really do want to be a mom someday. I think grad school has helped me realize that as much as I love academia, I don't want teaching and research to be my entire life. I want to raise kids to love Jesus, and I want to show Jesus to the world in whatever community I'm a part of. Right now, though, God has given me a great opportunity in grad school, and this is what I'm called to do. So, I will do it to the best of my ability, and let it prepare me for what will be an important--but not most important--part of my life. And when God decides it's time for the whole marriage-and-kids thing, that will be great, too.

I think I should go study.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. yay babies!!

    yay grad school!!

    yay Jesus!!

    yay Neene!!

    (sorry i spelled something wrong on the last comment)
