Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Something I Wrote on Mother's Day

I love my mom. She's one of my favorite people in the whole, wide world. I love our "Mommy/Neenie adventures" which usually consist of trying new ethnic restaurants or cool artsy, cultural things; I love that I can call her when I'm having a hard day and ask for an "over the phone hug" (something which originated somewhere between the tornado and living all alone in a little city in Iowa-hehe); and I love that she and my dad come down to visit me in Iowa every few months.

I love that she raised James and I to love reading and learning, and that our family was the one that my friends made jokes about because when we had them over for dinner in middle school, we were discussing the scientific reason for green lettuce. I love that she told me that "friends come and go, but you'll always have your little brother," and raised James and I in a family where it was normal for family members to be such close friends. Most of all, though, I love that she and my dad raised us to love Jesus and want to glorify him in every part of our lives, and that they show us the love, mercy, and sacrifice of Christ in their own lives.

Yep, my mom is pretty amazing And writing about her was fun; you'll have to tune in in June to hear all about the wonderfullness that is my dad-hehe.

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